Teachers` council by correspondence

Methodological concept of philosophy as an option to improve the quality of its teaching in a technical university

The article deals with the problem of transfer of knowledge in the philosophy of the optimal level in the conditions of a modern technical university. Presumably, this problem is generated by a contradiction-a clash of opposites: the desired (due) and the actual.

Technology (Pedagogy) in the Framework of Patriotic Education

This article presents the pedagogical devices considered as effective for the military-patriotic education of the youth. Gamification as an innovative approach is under consideration in this research. As is the case, gamification analyzed asa didactic means in this researchis intended for teenagers, purposefully, in the aspect of the military-patriotic activity of the youth in Russia, schoolchildren, cadets, and students.
Keywords: gamification, military-patriotic education, educational functions, pedagogical innovation.

The Development of the Student’s Personality in the Framework of the Project Activity

This article presents the role of the project activity of schoolchildren both in the increasing interest towards the subject, and in the development of the likely personality qualities, i.e. responsibility, hard work, collectivism, curiosity, and aesthetic effects. The stages of the implementation of this activity are highlighted when the project method is included into the educational process. The psychological characteristics of each stage, i.e. the organization of work, recommendations for the implementation of pedagogical activities, are under thorough consideration in this study.

Message and Expression in the Classroom

This article reflects the meaning and form of the history lesson of modernity that is in the focus of the social and cultural attention nowadays in the aspect of message and expression concepts at school. In line with the «Dialogue of Cultures» School ideas and concepts this study based on a number of years of the author’s experience as a pedagogue considersthe three models of a modern lesson, and analyzes the options of student and teacher behavior in the educational space of the system of modern lessons.

The Analysis of the Formation of the Social Experience of High School Graduates

The article presents the analysis of the results of the formation of the social experience of high school graduates that needs further investigation as a problem area. Based on monitoring the results of the last three year investigation this research focuses on the interpretation of the opinions of all the participants ofeducation, i.e. parents, teachers, students. The results obtained cover the structure of social experience and the level of formation of all the types of the experience under discussion, i.e.

Secondary Vocational Education in the Aftermath of the Pandemic: Perspective Direction

The article discusses possible options for building an effective educational process in the context of a separate remote learning format. The promising areas of activity of educational institutions in terms of the implementation of the digital environment are determined and evaluated. The possibility of increasing the efficiency of the educational process as a priority task of modern society is analyzed.

Using the Facebook Social Network in History Classes and Extracurricular Activities

This article presents the analysis of the author's experience on the usage of the social network Facebook within the frameworks of regular and extracurricular activities. The creation of a professional account and thematic groups, as well as the use of the latter to attract specialists into their own online projects, are under thorough investigation.

Organization and Management of Summer School for Young Programmers

This article presents the results of work with students at the Summer school for young programmers. The development of the research potential of children is organized in the form of workshops. The attraction to creative activity through the implementation of research work with practical implementation in the form of a project, making a presentation at a scientific and practical conference stimulate an active life position, socialize the personality, and develop the qualities which are necessary for professional activity.

Initiation Rituals in the Indo-Iranian Tradition

Initiation rituals occupy a significant place in the structure o f traditional culture and embody its most relevant components. However, the study o f ritual culture is complicated for modern research due to the apparent lack o f empirical ethnographic material. As an a ttempt to solve this problem, this article offers an examination o f the logic and specificity o f the reflection o f initiation rituals in written texts characteristic o f the respective culture, primarily mythological and heroic-epic.

Additional Professional Education of Library Teachers in the Digital Age

The article examines some o f the aspects o f the system o f additional professional education for school librarians in the changing conditions o f their professional activity in the digital age. The prerequisites fo r the development of additional vocational education o f teachers and librarians are revealed.
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