Problem outline

Possibilities of Network Remote Support for Teacher Digital Competence Development

The article presents to the problem area of developing the professional competence of a teacher in the aspect of digitalization of the educational space. This circumstance predetermines the current tasks of the teacher, as well as the priority directions for the development of the professional development system to be responsible for the mastery by teachers of professional skills and functions, that are in demand in the digital educational space. Consequently, the goal of the study is to identify effective ways to develop the digital competence of a teacher.

Individual Educational Program’s Design as a Means of Professional Development of the Teacher in the System of Continuous Education of Teachers

The paper presents the actual issues of the organization of continuous education of teachers in accord with the changing conditions and the requirements of regulatory documents. The purpose, object, subject, methods and methodology of the study are revealed in the introduction. The author, studying approaches to the implementation of ideas of continuing education, identifies the main components of the system of continuing pedagogical education in the results of the study.

Topical Issues of the Methodology for Surveying Professional Burnout of Higher Education Teachers

The purpose of his work is to scrutinize the potential of cross-training as a compliance tool for inter- and multidisciplinary learning in order to prevent professional burnout of higher education teachers. The novelty of the scientific research is determined by the lack of studies proving the efficacy of cross-training adaptation in an educational context.

Methodical Competence as a System-Forming Component of Professionalism of a Modern Teacher

This article actualizes the problem of continuous professional development of teachers as a key factor in improving the quality of school education, creating a sovereign education system in Russia. In accordance with the stated goal, the tasks set, the problem put forward and the research methodology, an overview of key trends in the declaration and implementation of the provisions of the state educational policy, including the creation of a unified federal system of scientific and methodological support for teaching staff and management personnel, is being made.

Physics at School & University: Strategy of Development of Education

The article analyzes the problems of physics education and identifies, on the basis of accumulated experience, possible methodological resources for its improvement. The reasons for the destruction of the fundamental nature of the academic subject “physics” at the beginning of this century and ways to restore it are considered.

The Genesis of the Concept of «Counseling» in Pedagogical Science

Currently, counseling is undergoing changes and adaptation in constantly changing life circumstances. Pedagogical counseling arose in response to the needs of children and their parents who are looking for help and support from a qualified specialist. This type of assistance is one of the main forms of practical application of the professional capabilities of a teacher. The article presents the main definitions of counseling based on the analysis of social and pedagogical sources, comparison of concepts and approaches to the definition of counseling.

Platform Skyeng for University: Challenges and Opportunities

Integration processes, socio-economic changes and the unstable epidemiological situation have accelerated the process of digitalization in modern universities. It is one of the key factors that affect learning and teaching processes at the university level in these times. A new trend in higher education is the use of online educational platforms in foreign languages teaching.

Philosophical and Pedagogical Aspects of the Ethics of Computer Games

The article explores the philosophical and pedagogical potential of studying the ethics of computer games. The ethical evaluation of games involves identifying the nature of ethical choices and ethical opportunities in the rules and the game world, as well as assessing the translation of ethical values presented in the game and forms of consolidation of ethical experience experienced by the player. Ethical analysis of games has traditionally been carried out using key philosophical ethical theories: consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics.

Actual Aspects of Time Management of Future Teachers in the Technopark of Universal Pedagogical Competencies: Upbringing Aspect

This study focuses on issues of a value component in the professional training of the future teachers of Natural Sciences (major is Pedagogical Education) in the master’s degree. The purpose of this research is to present the significance of time management as an essential value for a modern teacher according to the updated requirements of state educational documents for school since September, 2022, as well as conditions of its realization.

Value-Semantic Priorities of the Formation of a Unified Scientific and Methodological Space in the Aspect of Patriotic Education and Personal Development: Axiological and Regional Аpproaches

This article focuses on axiological approach to the problem of scientific and methodological support of the national project "Education” in terms of the formation of functional literacy of a modern student in the frameworks of the regional unified scientific and methodological spaces.
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